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Neo Psychedelic Pop Art

Imagery Art   Made by : Laurra_kufc 

Welcome to the captivating world of Neo Psychedelic Mexican Pop Art – a vibrant fusion of artistic influences that bring life to a truly unique creative journey. From the dynamic energy of ACID and NEON colors to the intricate allure of PSYCHEDELIA, every stroke of my brush is a tribute to the boundless realm of pop culture. Each creation is a canvas of curiosity and fascination, inspired by a rich tapestry of artistic genres like Horimon, Art Nouveau, Neo Traditional Tattoo, Dadaism, Gestalt Principles, Fashion Illustration, and Anatomical Illustration.

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Uri Gilberto Ferrer Chávez (November 25, 1993), born and raised in Mexico City, known professionally as Laurra_K is a Graphic Designer, Visual Artist, Musician & Shapeshifter whose works of digital illustration, murals, paintings and concept pieces fuse references to popular culture, traditional japanese tattooing, monsters & fashion creating his own vision of a surreal universe inspired by everyday life.


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Juriquilla ,Mexico  Queretaro #666

Cerrada Punta Arenas,76230,


Querétaro, México - Toronto, Canada


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